Francesca Xue Rui
(1997-), co-founder and visual director of ISOLART GALLERY, a multi-faceted contemporary artist engaged in painting, video, photography, and installation. She graduated from the Visual Art and New Expressive Languages Department of Florence Academy of Fine Arts with a MFA degree in Florence, Italy, and graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts with a BA degree. Her main artistic research directions are mythological art, symbolic language, fantasy creature images and ecological art, as well as the transformation of humanity in the post-human era under the penetration of technology.
As a visual artist, her expertise lies in fusing ancient mythological themes with experimental transmedial techniques of contemporary art, often across diverse cultural boundaries. As an art theory researcher, she has a particular interest in the interweaving of classical mythology in the Mediterranean world, mythological art in the Renaissance, and East Asian mythology systems and Buddhist culture. Her objective is to investigate the influence of mythological ecology on contemporary art and social transformation in a cross-cultural context. As a gallerist and curator, she has been active in Europe in recent years, during which time she has curated several thematic international exchange exhibitions and solo shows by individual artists in Italian cities including Florence, Milan and Livorno.

· Rui Xue (Dec 2023). 《山海经》图像艺术及美学分析[An Analysis of the Graphical Art and Aesthetics of the Classic of Mountains and Seas]. Culture Journal, 23 (12), pp. 248-251, ISSN 1673-7725.
· Rui Xue (June 2023). 符号性语言在现当代艺术中的表达与转向[The Expression and Turn of Symbolic Language in Modern and Contemporary Art]. Journal of Jiaozuo University, 23 (2), pp. 37-40, ISSN 1008-7257.
· Rui Xue (2023). L’Ecosistema di Rete delle Creature Fantastiche nell’Arte Contemporanea: La Sua Metafora e La Proiezione Sociale dalla Cultura Cinese all’Orizzonte Internazionale[The Network Ecosystem of Fantastic Creatures in Contemporary Art: Metaphor and Social Projection from Chinese Culture to International Horizon], supervised by Professor Gaia Bindi (Director of Florence Academy of Fine Arts) and Professor Raffaella Nappo (MFA Dissertation to be published).
· Rui Xue (2024). Hybrid Mythological Images in Italian Renaissance Art and Contemporary Mythological Narratives, cited in Exhibition Catalogue of "MEDUSA, La Gorgone", Villa Trossi, Isolart Gallery.
· Rui Xue (2024). Metamorphosis and Secularization: A Comparative Analysis of the Buddhist Ming Wang and the Taoist Goddess in the Ming Dynasty Water and Land Ritual Paintings (To be published)
· "MEDUSA, La Gorgone" 2024 Livorno Medusa Art Prize, Co-curator, Villa Trossi, curated by ISOLART Gallery in collaboration with Fondazione d’Arte Trossi-Umberti, sponsored by Livorno Municipality & Tuscany Regional Government, Livorno. 07.2024
· "MAPPE" 2024 Milan International Art Week, Co-curator, Gli Eroici Furori Arte Contemporanea, Milan. 06.2024
· "Soglie Dell'Invisibile" 2024 Italian Contemporary Artists Invitational Exhibition, Co-curator, ISOLART Gallery, Florence. 05.2024
· 2023/2024 "Return To The Lost Land" Florence International Annual Art Exhibition, Co-curator, ISOLART Gallery & Cartavetra Gallery, sponsored by Florence Municipality, Florence. 05.2024
· Art Week Italia di Santa Maria del Fiore, Vittoni Space Florence & Piazza di Duomo, curated by ISOLART Gallery, hosted by Italian National Association of Fine Arts, Florence.10.2023
· 2023 "IDENTITY CYCLE" Florence Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition, Vittoni Space Florence, curated by ISOLART Gallery in collaboration with Sandro Dionisio, Florence.11.2023-12.2023
· "After T-ESSERE" Workshop Exhibition, Cartavetra Gallery, curated by Pietro Desirò, Florence. 01.2023
· Artist of The Year in Brussels, Espace Art Gallery, hosted by Effetto Arte Fondazione, Brussels. 01.2023
· "HIDE AND SEEK", Palazzina dell'Indiano Arte, curated by Florence Academy of Fine Arts, Florence. 01.2023
· "MIND THE MAP", Manifattura Tabacchi, curated by Robert Pettena in collaboration with NAM-Not a Museum and Toast Project Space, Florence.06.2022
· Art Xiamen Fair, Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center Hall A1-A2, in collaboration with IF ART Gallery, Xiamen.06.2020
· "The Ancient City on The Tableland" The 2nd Houtan Contemporary Art Fair, Dahua 1935 Museum, hosted by Art Bund, Xi'an. 12.2019-01.2020
· "Under The Lion Forest" The 1st Taihu Biennale, Yilinyuan Gallery, hosted by Art Bund, Suzhou.11.2019-12.2019
· "Autumn River Adding Radience With Vast Sky" Art Dialogue Exhibition, Golden Valley Galleries, hosted by Art Bund, Suzhou.09.2019-10.2019
· "Collision and Metamorphosis" The 1st 1935 Triennial, Dahua 1935 Museum, hosted by Art Bund, Xi'an. 05.2019
· Email: rayfrancesca86@gmail.com (Personal)
info@isolartgallery.com (Submission)
· Tel: +39 3391818616(IT)
+86 15029033185(CH)
· Instagram: rayfranceschina
· Address: Via De'Neri 11, FI, Italy (ISOLART GALLERY)